Hey Guys.. wohooo my first time posting blog sia.. cool... lol.
Hmmm... guys i got my poly appeal accepted leh. i wil be heading to poly soon. Got into aviation management.
Walau eh damn sad la.. actually i can leave skl anytime but i tink i wil opt outta skl like end of march lah.. Cuz i wanna spend the remaining time i have with zai people from ctg 111.
I'm sorri i couldn't stay cuz i feel that poly studies is more zai for me. But dun worry la still got so many zai guys in class without me.. Ah beng they all.
But aft i go poly i wil post blog here la to keep updated den we can like meet up often durin weekends for studies or outing or drinking(yea....).
Den if anyone of u face difficulties in math chem or phy can ask me too. I tink i stil can do most of e questions lor.. Zai one ok.
Yup so i guess i'll miss u guys man. The girls were fun although andrea being like super fierce(she's much more zai now la) and shan laughing like siao when nobody laughing at all haha... yea all the gals r zai lah includin Annapoori and Rudra(help me wash plate durin camp) thx ah.. lol..
Guys oso damn zai.. Jack was de best la. Although he's diff but he's a smart guy la unlike me dumb <--(given by andrea) Best dude i ever met lol wont forget him. The guys r fun to b with la.
(Scenario i'm hoping for during my last day at YJC)
Daryl: Hey Guys im leaving. Thanks for e memories..
Girls: Nooooo.... Stay with us in Yj. (Girls start to cry)
(Girls start to run and hug me for e last time)(wohooo)
Mr Tan: Dun Leave Me Alone!! (Oh Mr Tan oso muz cry)haahhaa
Shan: (Starts laughing for no reason) hahaha
Andrea: Dun Go lah. I wil remove u frm FAGS club *@%#4!*&%$ (Scolds me)
Ah Beng: Walau eh... i will emo myself..
Jian Wei: Lauuu ehhh... no one take bus 85 with me
Edmund: Oh man.. the last Punggol dude in my class is gone... =( sad face
Dickson: Haiz no one to throw orange ketupat with me liao..
Mr Tan: Sob.. (Still crying)
Daryl: (Runs out of class)
hahaahah k la this whole scenario was jus a joke la.. kidding onli.. cuz i very boliao.. nothin to do when im writing this blog.. haha.
Ok gtg man its like 3am now la and my dog now kpkb wan go shit -.-(andrea's trademark)... zzz la who shits at 3am??.. okay guys looking forward to chalet when we all can have a hell of a time.. heee..
- Daryl...(vv de zai)